Q. 211
Who established the Pushyabhuti/Vardhana dynasty?
(A) Prabhakaravardhana
(B) Pushyabhutivardhana
(C) Rajyavardhana
(D) Grahavarman
Answer: (B) Pushyabhutivardhana
Explanation: N/A
Q. 212
The last Buddhist king who was a great Sanskrit scholar and a writer was
(A) Kaniska
(B) Harshavardhana
(C) Ashoka
(D) Bimbisara
Answer: (B) Harshavardhana
Explanation: N/A
Q. 213
Who wrote the book ‘Harshacharita‘?
(A) Kalidasa
(B) Banabhatta
(C) Harshavardhana
(D) Mayur
Answer: (B) Banabhatta
Explanation: N/A
Q. 214
Which Chinese pilgrims visited Indian during the reign of Harshavardhana?
(A) Fa-Hien
(B) Hiuen-Tsang
(C) Megasthenes
(D) I-Tsing
Answer: (B) Hiuen-Tsang
Explanation: N/A
Q. 215
Chalukya king Pulakeshin II defeated
(A) Rajyavardhana
(B) Harshavardhana
(C) Prabhakarvardhana
(D) Pushyabhutivardhana
Answer: (B) Harshavardhana
Explanation: N/A
Q. 216
Harshavaradhana was also known as
(A) Devagupta
(B) Pulkeshin
(C) Siladitya
(D) Pushyabhuti
Answer: (C) Siladitya
Explanation: N/A
Q. 217
Which of the following plays are not written by Harshavardhana?
(A) Ratnavali
(B) Nagananda
(C) Priyadarsika
(D) Kadambari
Answer: (D) Kadambari
Explanation: N/A
Q. 218
Aihole inscription is associated with which of the following dynasty?
(A) Vardhana
(B) Chalukya
(C) Chola
(D) Rastrakuta
Answer: (B) Chalukya
Explanation: N/A
Q. 219
Who among the following was the first traveller to visit India?
(A) Megasthenes
(B) Fa-Hien
(C) Hiuen-Tsang
(D) I-Tsing
Answer: (A) Megasthenes
Explanation: N/A
Q. 220
Which one of the following does not match?
(A) Ritusamhara – Kalidasa
(B) Kamasutra – Vatsayana
(C) Panchatantra – Vishnu Gupta
(D) Raghuvamshama – Kalidasa
Answer: (C) Panchatantra – Vishnu Gupta
Explanation: N/A
Q. 221
Which of the following is not a play of Kalidasa?
(A) Abhigyana Shakuntalam
(B) Vikromorvashiyam
(C) Raghuvamshama
(D) Malavikagnimitra
Answer: (C) Raghuvamshama
Explanation: N/A
Q. 222
Which of the following match correctly?
(A) Mudrarakshasa – Kalidasa
(B) Mrichchhakatika – Sudraka
(C) Harchacharita – Harshavardhana
(D) Ratnavali – Banabhatta
Answer: (B) Mrichchhakatika – Sudraka
Explanation: N/A
Q. 223
Who wrote the book Mrichchhakatika?
(A) Vasantasena
(B) Sudraka
(C) Visakhadatta
(D) Kalidasa
Answer: (B) Sudraka
Explanation: N/A
Q. 224
Gandhar art is a combination of which of the two following styles?
(A) Indo-Islamic
(B) Indo-Greek
(C) Indo-China
(D) Indo-Persian
Answer: (B) Indo-Greek
Explanation: N/A
Q. 225
Which one of the following is the oldest dynasty?
(A) Maurya
(B) Gupta
(C) Kushana
(D) Kanva
Answer: (A) Maurya
Explanation: N/A
Q. 226
Which Rigvedic God was also called ‘Purandar“?
(A) Indra
(B) Agni
(C) Varuna
(D) Soma
Answer: (A) Indra
Explanation: N/A
Q. 227
The famous Dasarajana war (the battle of ten kings) was fought on the bank of the river
(A) Ganges
(B) Saraswati
(C) Purushni (Ravi)
(D) Indus
Answer: (C) Purushni (Ravi)
Explanation: N/A
Q. 228
‘Charaka Samhita’ is a book on
(A) Economics
(B) Political science
(C) Medical science
(D) Religion
Answer: (C) Medical science
Explanation: N/A
Q. 229
Who was the founder of the city ‘Pataliputra‘?
(A) Ajatsatru
(B) Udayin
(C) Chandragupta Maurya
(D) Bimbisara
Answer: (B) Udayin
Explanation: N/A
Q. 230
The battle of Hydaspes was fought between Alexander and Porus on the bank of the river
(A) Chenab
(B) Jhelum
(C) Indus
(D) Ravi
Answer: (B) Jhelum
Explanation: N/A
Q. 231
What was the first capital of Magadha?
(A) Pataliputra
(B) Vaishali
(C) Rajagriha
(D) Champa
Answer: (C) Rajagriha
Explanation: N/A
Q. 232
Which ruler made ‘Pataliputra‘ as the capital of ‘Magadha‘?
(A) Bimbisara
(B) Udayin
(C) Ajatsatru
(D) Kaniska
Answer: (C) Ajatsatru
Explanation: N/A
Q. 233
Which of the following Buddhist text presents a list of 16 Mahajanpadas?
(A) Anguttara Nikaya
(B) Sutta Pitaka
(C) Vinaya Pitaka
(D) Abhidhamma Pitaka
Answer: (A) Anguttara Nikaya
Explanation: N/A
Q. 234
Which of the following was not a capital of Magadha empire?
(A) Girivraja
(B) Pataliputra
(C) Rajagriha
(D) Kosambi
Answer: (D) Kosambi
Explanation: N/A
Q. 235
During which reign, Buddhism was introduced in Nepal?
(A) Ajatsatru
(B) Kaniska
(C) Chandragupta Maurya
(D) Ashoka
Answer: (D) Ashoka
Explanation: N/A
Q. 236
Mahavira was born in which clan?
(A) Shakya
(B) Licchavis
(C) Jantriak
(D) Malla
Answer: (C) Jantriak
Explanation: N/A
Q. 237
Who was the mother of Mahavira?
(A) Yashoda
(B) Anojja
(C) Trishala
(D) Devanandi
Answer: (C) Trishala
Explanation: N/A
Q. 238
Which of the following symbolises Buddha’s Mahabhinishkramana (renunciation)?
(A) Lotus
(B) Horse
(C) Wheel
(D) Bull
Answer: (B) Horse
Explanation: N/A
Q. 239
Who is called ‘the light of Asia‘?
(A) Ashoka
(B) Gautama Buddha
(C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) Mao zedong
Answer: (B) Gautama Buddha
Explanation: N/A
Q. 240
Who was the founder of Ajivika sect?
(A) Upali
(B) Ananda
(C) Gautama
(D) Makkhali Gosala
Answer: (D) Makkhali Gosala
Explanation: N/A