MCQs with Solutions for all Competitive Examinations

Ancient Indian History MCQs for Competitive Examination

Q. 151
Which of the following doctrine was added by Mahavira in Jainism?

(A) Ahimsa
(B) Asteya
(C) Brahmacharya
(D) Aparigraha

Answer: (C) Brahmacharya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 152
Where was the second Jain Council held?

(A) Rajagriha
(B) Pataliputra
(C) Vallabhi
(D) Kashmir

Answer: (C) Vallabhi
Explanation: N/A

Q. 153
Tripitakas are sacred book of which religion? 

(A) Hinduism
(B) Jainism
(C) Buddhism
(D) Judaism

Answer: (C) Buddhism
Explanation: N/A

Q. 154
Which of the following is not included in the eightfold path of Buddhism?

(A) Right observation
(B) Right desire
(C) Right determination
(D) Right speech

Answer: (B) Right desire
Explanation: N/A

Q. 155
The ‘Tripitaka‘ was written in which language?

(A) Prakrit
(B) Pali
(C) Sanskrit
(D) Brahmi

Answer: (B) Pali
Explanation: N/A

Q. 156
Who was the author of Buddhacharita?

(A) Asvaghosa
(B) Nagarjuna
(C) Nagasen
(D) Vasumitra

Answer: (A) Asvaghosa
Explanation: N/A

Q. 157
The name the clan Buddha belong to was

(A) Gnathrika
(B) Maurya
(C) Sakya
(D) Kuru

Answer: (C) Sakya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 158
The first sermon of Buddha made at Sarnath is known as

(A) Mahabhinishkramana
(B) Dharmachakra Pravartana
(C) Mahaparinirvana
(D) Nirvana

Answer: (B) Dharmachakra Pravartana
Explanation: N/A

Q. 159
Which dynasty ruled over Magadha after Nanda dynasty?

(A) Maurya
(B) Gupta
(C) Sunga
(D) Kushan

Answer: (A) Maurya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 160
Who was the founder of Maurya dynasty?

(A) Chandragupta Maurya
(B) Chandragupta II
(C) Ashoka
(D) Bindusara

Answer: (A) Chandragupta Maurya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 161
Most important literary source of Mauryan history is

(A) Arthasastra
(B) Mudrarashasa
(C) Indica
(D) Milindapanho

Answer: (A) Arthasastra
Explanation: N/A

Q. 162
Who is the author of the book ‘Arthasastra‘?

(A) Chandragupta Maurya
(B) Vishnu Sharma
(C) Chanakya
(D) Megasthenes

Answer: (C) Chanakya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 163
Who wrote the book ‘Indica‘?

(A) Megasthenes
(B) Kautilya
(C) Alexander
(D) Seleucus

Answer: (A) Megasthenes
Explanation: N/A

Q. 164
Who wrote the book ‘Mudrarakshasa’?

(A) Vishnu gupta
(B) Vishnu sharma
(C) Megasthenes
(D) Visakha Datta

Answer: (D) Visakha Datta
Explanation: N/A

Q. 165
Chandragupta Maurya dethroned Dhanananda with the help of ________________. 

(A) Ashoka
(B) Chanakya
(C) Visakha Datta
(D) Seleucus

Answer: (B) Chanakya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 166
Who was the Greek ambassador in the court of Chandragupta Maurya?

(A) Seleucus Nicator
(B) Megasthenes
(C) Fa-hien
(D) Menander

Answer: (B) Megasthenes
Explanation: N/A

Q. 167
Seleucus Nicator was defeated by

(A) Bindusara
(B) Chandragupta Mauyra
(C) Ashoka
(D) Alexander

Answer: (B) Chandragupta Maurya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 168
Who succeeded Chandragupta Maurya?

(A) Chandragupta I
(B) Bindusara
(C) Ashoka
(D) Chanakya

Answer: (B) Bindusara
Explanation: N/A

Q. 169
What was the capital of the Mauryan empire?

(A) Varanasi
(B) Vaishali
(C) Ujjain
(D) Pataliputra

Answer: (D) Pataliputra
Explanation: N/A

Q. 170
Who ruled the Mauryan empire after Bindusara?

(A) Ashoka
(B) Chandragupta Maurya
(C) Kautilya
(D) Chandragupta II

Answer: (A) Ashoka
Explanation: N/A

Q. 171
Ashoka fought the Kalinga war in

(A) 265 BC
(B) 319 BC
(C) 261 BC
(D) 260 BC

Answer: (C) 261 BC
Explanation: N/A

Q. 172
Chanakya is also known as

(A) Kunala
(B) Brihadratha
(C) Vishnu Sharma
(D) Kautilya

Answer: (D) Kautilya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 173
Who of the following king is known as Devanama Priyadasi?

(A) Bindusara
(B) Chanakya
(C) Chandragupta Mauyra
(D) Ashoka

Answer: (D) Chandragupta Maurya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 174
Which rock edict Ashoka gives an account of the Kalinga war?

(A) Rock edict XIII
(B) Kalinga edict
(C) Rock edict XII
(D) Rock edict X

Answer: (A) Rock edict XIII
Explanation: N/A

Q. 175
Which historical personalities of India is also known as Vishnu Gupta?

(A) Gautam Buddha
(B) Chanakya
(C) Dhanananda
(D) Mahavira

Answer: (B) Chanakya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 176
Bindusara‘ was the son of

(A) Chandragupta Maurya
(B) Ajatsatru
(C) Ashoka
(D) Bhadrabahu

Answer: (A) Chandragupta Maurya
Explanation: N/A

Q. 177
Who was the author of the book ‘Kalpasutra‘?

(A) Hemchandra
(B) Bhadrabahu
(C) Sthulabhadra
(D) Vasumitra

Answer: (B) Bhadrabahu
Explanation: N/A

Q. 178
Milindapanho‘ a Buddhist text is in the form of dialogue between king Milinda and Buddhist saint _______________.  

(A) Nagasena
(B) Nagarjuna
(C) Asvaghosa
(D) Vasumitra

Answer: (A) Nagasena
Explanation: N/A

Q. 179
Who of the following is a contemporary of Gautam Buddha?

(A) Bhadrabahu
(B) Chandragupta Maurya
(C) Vardhaman Mahavira
(D) Parshwanath

Answer: (C) Vardhaman Mahavira
Explanation: N/A

Q. 180
Who presided over the fourth Buddhist council?

(A) Asvaghosa
(B) Upagupta
(C) Kaniska
(D) Vasumitra

Answer: (D) Vasumitra
Explanation: N/A

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