One Word Substitution MCQs for Competitive Examination Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentences. Q. 61 One who talks in sleep (A) Somniloquist(B) Somnambulist(C) Samaritan(D) Somnolent Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (A) Somniloquist Q. 62 One who knows everything (A) Knowledgeable(B) Omniscient(C) Omnipresent(D) Omnipotent Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (B) Omniscient Q. 63 Life history written by oneself (A) Biography(B) Journal(C) Autobiography(D) Memoir Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (C) Autobiography Q. 64 A person who collects coins (A) Numismatist(B) Philistine(C) Hoarder(D) Philatelist Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (A) Numismatist Q. 65 One who believes in God (A) Theist(B) Atheist(C) Agnostic(D) Ethologist Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (A) Theist Q. 66 One who cannot pay his debts (A) Debtor(B) Glazier(C) Fraud(D) Insolvent Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (D) Insolvent Q. 67 Large scale departure of people (A) Migration(B) Exodus(C) Immigration(D) Emigration Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (B) Exodus Q. 68 Government by one person (A) Autocracy(B) Aristocracy(C) Democracy(D) Autonomy Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (A) Autocracy Q. 69 One who is for the pleasure of eating and drinking (A) Gourmet(B) Epicure(C) Gourmand(D) Glutton Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (B) Epicure Q. 70 One that lives on herbs (A) Herbivorous(B) Carnivorous(C) Omnivorous(D) Highbrow Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (A) Herbivorous Q. 71 A person who looks at the bright side of things (A) Optimist(B) Pacifist(C) Pessimist(D) Philanthropist Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (A) Optimist Q. 72 One who helps the needy and the helpless (A) Pedestrian(B) Samaritan(C) Philanthropist(D) Misanthropist Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (B) Samaritan Q. 73 A person who is indifferent to pleasure and pain (A) Epicure(B) Stoic(C) Hedonist(D) Fastidious Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (B) Stoic Q. 74 One who remains absent from duty without permission (A) Absentee(B) Teetotaler(C) Truant(D) Impostor Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (C) Truant Q. 75 Animals that live both on land and water (A) Amphibian(B) Aquatic(C) Apiary(D) Abattoir Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (A) Amphibian Q. 76 Examination of living tissues (A) Biopsy(B) Postmortem(C) Mortuary(D) Autopsy Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (D) Autopsy Q. 77 Murder of people (A) Genocide(B) Regicide(C) Patricide(D) Homicide Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (D) Homicide Q. 78 A period of 1000 years (A) Millennium(B) Centenary(C) Century(D) Sexagenarian Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (A) Millennium Q. 79 Scientific study of viruses (A) Bacteriology(B) Epidemiology(C) Virology(D) Cytology Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (C) Virology Q. 80 The study of origin and history of words (A) Etymology(B) Ethnology(C) Semantics(D) Phonetics Show Answer/Hide Answer Answer: (A) Etymology « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 » Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest Share on reddit Share on whatsapp Share on email Share on telegram One Word Substitution MCQs-1 One Word Substitution MCQs-2 One Word Substitution MCQs-3 One Word Substitution MCQs-4 One Word Substitution MCQs-5 One Word Substitution MCQs-6 One Word Substitution MCQs-7 One Word Substitution MCQs-8 One Word Substitution MCQs-9