Q. 1
Medicine given to counteract poison
(A) Antiseptic
(B) Antidote
(C) Antibiotic
(D) Anti fungal
Answer: (B) Antidote
Q. 2
Person who files a suit
(A) Accuse
(B) Plaintiff
(C) Suitor
(D) Charger
Answer: (B) Plaintiff
Q. 3
A person who abstains completely from alcoholic drinks
(A) Incriminatory
(B) Subjunctive
(C) Derelict
(D) Teetotaller
Answer: (D) Teetotaller
Q. 4
The practice of having many wives
(A) Polyandry
(B) Polygamy
(C) Calligraphy
(D) Bigamy
Answer: (B) Polygamy
Q. 5
One who is not likely to be easily pleased
(A) Fastidious
(B) Fatalist
(C) Communist
(D) Infallible
Answer: (A) Fastidious
Q. 6
One who hates marriage
(A) Misanthrope
(B) Polygamist
(C) Misogynist
(D) Misogamist
Answer: (D) Misogamist
Q. 7
One who specialises in the mathematics of insurance
(A) A statistician
(B) An actuary
(C) An agent
(D) An insurer
Answer: (B) An actuary
Q. 8
One who is always doubting
(A) Positivist
(B) Rationalist
(C) Deist
(D) Sceptic
Answer: (D) Sceptic
Q. 9
A strong dislike
(A) Reciprocity
(B) Entreaty
(C) Malice
(D) Animosity
Answer: (D) Animosity
Q. 10
Violation of the sanctity of the Church
(A) Infringement
(B) Irreverence
(C) Transgression
(D) Sacrilege
Answer: (D) Sacrilege
Q. 11
The depository where state records and documents are preserved.
(A) Archive
(B) Emporium
(C) Library
(D) Museum
Answer: (A) Archive
Q. 12
A place where birds are kept
(A) Apiary
(B) Aquarium
(C) House
(D) Aviary
Answer: (A) Apiary
Q. 13
One who is incapable of making errors
(A) Inexplicable
(B) Impervious
(C) Infallible
(D) Incorrigible
Answer: (C) Infallible
Q. 14
An assembly of worshipers is called
(A) Congregation
(B) Conflagration
(C) Configuration
(D) Confrontation
Answer: (A) Congregation
Q. 15
A person who lives by himself
(A) Prophet
(B) Extrovert
(C) Recluse
(D) Monk
Answer: (C) Recluse
Q. 16
The act of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen
(A) Graphics
(B) Stencilling
(C) Calligraphy
(D) Hieroglyphics
Answer: (C) Calligraphy
Q. 17
A person who is well known in an unfavourable way
(A) Obscure
(B) Conspicuous
(C) Notorious
(D) Ethical
Answer: (C) Notorious
Q. 18
One who performs daring gymnastic feats
(A) Conjurer
(B) Acrobat
(C) Juggler
(D) Athlete
Answer: (B) Acrobat
Q. 19
Person who wastes his money on luxury
(A) Extempore
(B) Thrifty
(C) Promiscuous
(D) Extravagant
Answer: (D) Extravagant
Q. 20
Rebellion against lawful authority
(A) Dissidence
(B) Mutiny
(C) Revolution
(D) Coup
Answer: (B) Mutiny