Q. 21
Convert (285)10 to octal.
(A) (435)8
(B) (453)8
(C) (345)8
(D) (354)8
Answer: (A) (435)8
Explanation: N/A
Q. 22
Convert (321.6)8 to decimal.
(A) (204.75)10
(B) (204.45)10
(C) (209.45)10
(D) (209.75)10
Answer: (D) (209.75)10
Explanation: (321.6)8 = 3*82 + 2*81 + 1*80 + 6*8-1 = 209.75
Q. 23
Conversion of Decimal number (947568)10 to hexadecimal is
(A) (C75E0)16
(B) (E7570)16
(C) (E7870)16
(D) (D7570)16
Answer: (B) (E7570)16
Explanation: N/A
Q. 24
Convert (7B5)16 into decimal form.
(A) (1857)10
(B) (1973)10
(C) (1963)10
(D) (1923)10
Answer: (B) (1973)10
Explanation: N/A
Q. 25
ASCII stands for
(A) American Special Computer for Information Interaction
(B) American Standard Computer for Information Interchange
(C) American Special Code for Information Interchange
(D) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Answer: (D) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Explanation: N/A
Q. 26
The most widely used code that represents each character as a unique 8 bit code is
Answer: (A) ASCII
Explanation: N/A
Q. 27
Computer uses the ___________ number system to store data and perform calculations.
(A) Binary
(B) Decimal
(C) Octal
(D) Hexadecimal
Answer: (A) Binary
Explanation: N/A